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Is it Difficult to Discern the "Optical
Signature" of Glucose Injury Free?
It has been shown, that all organic
components of our body, such as fat, protein, glucose or water
have their unique pattern of optical energy at different near-infrared
These patterns can be compared with the patterns of fingerprints of the
people. There are no two people with the same fingerprint. Likewise,
there is no two organic substances, which have the same optical
signature. Therefore, the optical signatures can be used as a key for
the detection and the determination of the glucose content.
The problem is, however, that there is not much glucose in the human
body. Based on the weight a blood sugar level of eg. 120 mg / dl , (
6,7mmol ) means 0.120% of the total
amount of blood is glucose.
That's a pretty tiny amount, and because it's a pretty tiny amount, so
the optical signature of glucose is very dark and difficult to see. It
is particularly difficult because 99% of the body consist of a
combination of fat, water and protein, causing an almost overwhelming
brightly illuminated optical signature.
These overlapping signatures aim to hide the optical signature of
glucose and make the measurement very difficult.
This page serves to highlight opportunities how to get a life with
diabetes under control. If you are looking for medical advice, please
consult your doctor or pharmacist.